


It's 2NE1.. "Just Ring The Alarm"

2NE1 is a korean girl group composed of four members. They dance pretty good and sings korean pop (which I can't understand). I like their skin, as well as their pretty face, specially BOM, you must agree with me. But I won't tell much about them since this article is not about the korean group.

why It's 2NE1.. "Just Ring The Alarm"?
The topic assigned to me is the PANCREAS. Pan-creas,,,, pan... PANCAKE!! I want to eat pancake (seriously).Before I share the reason behind the title, I want you to read this entire article that will serve as a clue. :)

Here is a picture of the stomach, PANCREAS and duodenum.

Pancreas is more likely similar to the shape of the fish. It is a gland that actively participates in the digestive system. This gland is located posterior to the stomach that lies and connected in the space curvature of the duodenum. It is composed of two different tissues: the exocrine and endocrine tissue, each of them performs important functions.

(photo is taken from anatomy and physiology book)


The exocrine tissue produces enzymes and pancreatic fluid. It is composed of grape like clusters called acinar gland. These clusters are connected to small ducts that will meet to form large ducts, and the larger ducts will join to form the major pancreatic duct and the accessory duct. The major pancreatic duct will serve as the passage way of the pancreatic fluid into the opening of the duodenum called the major duodenal papilla.

Isn't the stomach produces gastric juice? Gastric juice is highly acidic. Stomach digest the food and delivers it to the small intestine for absorption of nutrients. But how come the lining of the intestine doesn't burn or damaged? This is due to the super power of the pancreatic fluid! The pancreatic fluid comes in clear, colorless, watery and rich in protein. It has an alkaline pH that can reach up to 8.3, this due to the high concentration of sodium bicarbonate. The pancreatic fluid will now neutralize the acidic chyme coming from the stomach as it enters the small intestine. This is to protect the lining of the intestine and provides the proper environment of enzymes.

Who will help the small intestine to absorb and break the food substances if the pancreatic fluid is alkaline? As the pancreas secret pancreatic fluid, the enzymes are also being released. The pancreatic enzymes are capable of digesting the three major food substances: proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Each of them has corresponding enzymes. The major proteolic enzymes are trypsin, chymotrypsin and carboxypeptidase. The carbohydrate-splitting enzyme is pancreatic amylase. The lipid-digesting enzymes are primarily lipase and lecithinase.


The endocrine tissues produce hormones. It consists of pancreatic islets or the islet of langerhans, which has four different cell types. The islets are endocrine cells compactly arranged in clusters and cords with dense network of capillaries. The endocrine cells are then directly connected to the blood stream.





Pancreatic polypeptide


We often encounter insulin when we are talking about diabetes or glucose intake. What is insulin for?

Insulin is produced by the beta cells in the islets of langerhans. These beta cells will act as the watch dogs of the insulin when there is a HIGH level of glucose. When there is an increase in body glucose, insulin will cause an increase movement of the glucose into the body cells and will increase the metabolism of glucose. The glucose now will be distributed to different cells (such as liver and muscles) and will use glucose as the source of energy.

What will happen is there is an abnormal insulin?

If insulin is not present the body cells will use fats as source of energy. It may also lead to starvation even you eat foods which are rich in glucose, because the body cells cannot access the calories present in the glucose. Also, the blood sugar level is higher than the normal because the red blood cells cannot distribute the glucose to the other cells and unable to metabolize glucose.

But aside from using fats our body can help our blood to maintain its level at a normal range. If our glucose level is low another hormone would take place to do its function to stabilized the glucose level. The next hormone is the...


Glucagon is produced by the alpha cells of the islet of langerhans. The alpha cells will trigger the release of glucagon if there is LOW level of glucose. This is due to stress and fasting state. Once glucagon is released, it will now increase the level of glucose. But how will this hormone increase the level of glucose if a person is having a diet or fasting? Glucagon will increase the hepatic glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis. Isn’t the glucose is being stored in the liver in the form of glycogen. So the liver is the working area of the said hormone. The glucagon hormone will bind to the glucagon receptor present in the liver to cause glycogenolysis, the breakdown of glycogen into glucose, which will be release into the bloodstream. The liver will now undergo gluconeogenesis, to produce glucose.

Glucagon is the counter part of the insulin.


I find somatostatin as a weird hormone. Seems like it plays a”kontra-binda” role in different parts of the body system.

Somatostatin is produced in delta cells of the islet of langerhans. These hormone has a very short-life. Its function is to SUPRESS or INHIBITS the production of some hormones in the pituitary gland, pancreas, and gastrointestinal tract. Even the nonendocrine functions such as the release of pancreatic enzyme, gastric acid and gastric emptying time. But still it helps in stoping the over production of the hormones throughout the body.

Pancreatic polypeptide

Some books doesn’t have this hormone, but as I go search through net it comply to the pancreas. Actually it is one of the interesting hormones.

Pancreatic polypeptide hormone is again secreted in the islet of langerhans by the pancreatic polypeptide cells. It inhibits the contraction of the gallbladder as well as the function of exocrine glands of the pancreas. Just like glucagon, it is activated when there is fasting, low glucose level and a person which has protein-rich meals.

You know what’s interesting in this hormone?? According to some researchers in London, if PP level is low the tendency is there would be an increase in appetite. They perform clinical trials; they injected PP on animals that suppressed their appetite. For a person who has anorexia nervosa PP level is elevated.

(please refer to this link more information: PP hormone "obesity gum")

Now it is being used to treat obesity. It is called PP 1420 and it is injected to the vein of the human. It has no side effect such as feeling weak or dizziness. Safe and effective.

I like it! This will help my body to slim down.

I almost forgot to mention the size of the pancreas, it is about six inches long. Imagine even at that small size it contribute a lot in our body. Life is really precious!

TITLE: It's 2NE1.. "Just Ring The Alarm"

2NE1 stands for 2 in 1 and TO ANYONE.

The pancreas is a single organ but it has TWO PARTS: exocrine and endocrine. The enzymes and the hormones will be activated once it was triggered (alarm) by the corresponding substances to keep the body in normal condition.

That's it, I hope learn a lot from this article, it's TO ANYONE.


Clinical Chemistry, principles, procedures, correlations, 5th edition by M.L.Bishop., et. al.

Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, 5th edition by R.R.Seeley., et. al.

Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods, 21st edition, edited by R.A.McPherson., et. al.




Endocrinology is the study of endocrine system on how it inhibits and stimulate in the body. There are various endocrine glands which secrete hormones that communicate to specific organ which are responsible for basic body functions such as growth, metabolism, respiration, excretion, movement and reproduction. Hormones must be maintained at specific levels. An increased or a decreased amount of hormone can have various effects to the body and may cause disorder to the endocrine gland.


Toxicology deals with the effect of the substance that are harmful when introduced to the body. It encompasses the biological effect as well as the therapeutic benefit of the different substances. Toxins may acquire by an individual through drug abuse, exposure to organic materials and environmental compounds that are mutagens or carcinogenic.


Drug testing is a way of determining the level or presence of a certain drug in the body. This is commonly requested for the suspected drug user. For the analysis, different biological specimen may be use -- such as urine, hair and blood which are commonly requested. The procedure in drug testing is very sensitive and the collection of the specimen is very strict, this is maintain the integrity of the sample.