



I'm sure you don't want to be like this. Alone and out of mind.

Here’s the twitch.

For a person who is so guilty about it would say “NO. What in the earth is that for??” or it can be “DUH. Why do they have to??” with sharp voice, sweaty hands and face, rapid eye movement and sort of tachycardia.

For a person who is guilt free (like me) on it would probably say “what for? But its ok” or something like its fine with them.

At first, I totally disagreed about it. It’s just like, “after they find out the drug users, what’s next…??”. Though I know when a prohibited drug is administered into the body would turn a person into real immoral person. May be your asking me “why did I disagree?”.

Here is the thing. I really have a playful imagination. You may find this weird and might even say “BOO! You’re exaggerating it. ”, or even more painful than what I’ve thought. It goes like this……

“I’m so sorry Miss Lingad.”
“What do you mean ma’am?”
“We got your laboratory drug test result and we find out you are positive from drugs”
“Which means…..??”
“You can’t enroll in this university.”
“……WHAT!??? But how could that be? I mean, it’s my privilege to study!”
“I know, but it’s our policy.”
-------end of my dreams---------


Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know I’ve been one-dimensional in that case, but it was just a playful imagination. This is very far from reality. Still I have these questions; what if, a student got positive result, what would happen next? Would he loose his right to study? What if he was just influenced, force or something against his will? Or he was just so curious about it?. Things like that.

But as I’m on my way home with a disturbing stomach, I started to think for a broader significance of drus testing for students. Since my stomach is alarming really sharp I can’t concentrate of it much. Funny I know. As I reach home and turn disturbing things into calm state, I start of thinking new idea.

My final answer would be a big YES. Totally and literally big huh? *laugh
Aside from teaching and preparing the students to be academically capable of towards professionalism or to whatever the carrier they choose, deep into this there is still a main goal that the school must accomplish. This is to make the student be a person, a complete person. We are old enough to think for my real point of view here. So I think I won’t explain it further.

Being under influence of drugs may put the person into a real trouble. Just like what we had just watched a while ago, THE HANGOVER. The characters are all under influenced of rhenol. They don’t even know what they did the whole night till they woke up. It was a funny movie. But if it happens for real, I think it would be the end of their life of dreams. This is not impossible to be in reality, in fact there are much more terrible cases (reported and unreported) which are really happening in our world nowadays. Specially for teen agers who are “exploring” things in different way, different as in exploding thing up!

Lets think this way;
…a student who came to school who is under the influence of drugs. In his laboratory class, he was asked to do venipuncture. . . . . and so on. . .

What do you think the patient’s life during and after the puncture??? ---pak!!--- end of his life? *kidding.

See how important drug testing before entering to school is? With this, students will be more professional in every way.

In addition, taking PROHIBITED drugs is a BIG NO NO in our country, actually all over the world. Whether for school purpose or not, I totally AGREE for drug testing as a requirement to each and everyone.


I entitled my blog post ECLIPSE OF THE HANGOVER. because a while ago we watched HERE's COMES THE BRIDE and the HANG OVER.
its like when you take prohibited drugs, you're turning your life into darkness which was originally and suppose to bright. Got what I mean?

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